Aluminum Air Net Pipes


aluminium-air-piping-system in chennai

Features of Aluminum Air Net Pipes

Advantage of Aluminum Air Net Pipes

Application of Aluminum Air Net Pipes

AIR Net offers lots of savings.

Material Cost


Leaks and Pressure Drop


If you look at the total cost of ownership of a piping system, AIRnet proves to be the most cost-effective solution. Let’s do the math.

AIR Net is installed up to 85% faster and by one single technician, reducing the labor cost. All system extensions and modifi cations can be done equally fast.

In a compressor installation, a 1 bar pressure drop leads to 7% more energy consumption. AIRnet offers minimal pressure drop and thus more savings. The leak-resistant and corrosion-free pipes and fittings prevent downtime and
ensure high effi ciency.